Monday 26 September 2016

My visit to Portland PDX Oregon, U.S.A.

Landed in Portland on 9 sept.2016. On my way to my daughter's place in Bethany Village , a suburb of Portland PDX, I noted a marked difference in road conditions vis-à-vis roads in Amchi Mumbai - supposedly India's ultra modern city - a laughable claim indeed given the pathetic infrastructure of the business capital of the country.
Despite being in power for over two decades, the state government has achieved little,  if fact nothing if you compare it with the American benchmark.

I remember the words of our PM Hon. Narendra Modiji on his first visit to United States after assuming power.
He remarked that the first question from the Govt.Officer while awarding contracts is "What's the benefit to me and my party?" That's exactly the situation and there's little hope of improvement unless people in power demonstrate the will to act for the larger cause of the nation.

After spending a week here, I was overjoyed to find the high standards of road safety that citizens wilfully ensure. Whether in maintaining lane discipline, managing speed control or in the cautious overtaking of vehicles, everything is done as it should be done.
I am glad to note that back home, there are a few states like Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand which have  roads of a quality comparable to US standards. Of course, the traffic scene and the civic sense both are substandard.

That's all for now. I will share more thoughts in the days to come. Stay tuned.


Monday 22 August 2016

Geodesic Dome Houses.

Hi, this is Vishwas Gadgil, in the posts to follow, I will share my thoughts, views and suggestions on
different aspects of construction. specially low cost housing. As there is an acute shortage of Houses in India.
So , I was working on this problem , and after lot of trials in this regard, I have constructed a Geodesic Dome at Dapoli in
Ratnagiri the Year 1985.
I have made lot of improvements in this Dome House. So finally I have developed a standard Dome House economically
and easi to erect in short time. The Details Are Below.
Olease do not hesitate to ask any questions in this venture, Please make suggestions if any in this construction of Dome House
to improve the quality.